Here's a step-by-step guide on how to install World Of Pets on your PC;
Head to and select the PC download.
Open the downloaded file. You will be asked by Windows if you're sure you want to install the game as it's downloaded from the Internet. To ensure your overall safety when downloading files from the Internet look for the "Verified Publisher" field - for World Of Pets this will be displayed as XSOLLA (USA). INC.
The World Of Pets Launcher setup will continue when you have allowed the app to make changes. Click "Install" if you are happy with the location and the installation will begin!
Once the Launcher has completed installation, click Finish to open the World of Pets Launcher.
Sign in with your PlaySide / World Of Pets account to continue. You can create a new account at this step by selecting "Create an account".
When you're ready, click "INSTALL" and confirm your installation path. The game will now begin downloading. This may take a little time, so please be patient!
Once the installation is complete, press "PLAY" to join us in the World Of Pets!
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